If you are wondering whether you can grow beets in a container, the answer is yes. Last summer, I planted baby roots in 5-gallon food-grade buckets and had mixed results. I enjoyed harvesting and making salads with the leaves; however, I did not keep track of the planting date in spring and took too long to harvest the beetroots. I learned later that beet typically can be harvested in two to three weeks. When the beets start growing above the soil is a flag that they were ready for harvest.

About beets

Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) is also called “beets”. They are bright and colorful cool weather crops that enjoy growing in the shade. They are considered a shade crop and grow well in cooler temperatures. They thrive in the cold weather and will even survive the frost. There are a variety of beets, including red, yellow, white, and stripe; however, red is more popular than the other varieties. You can eat both the green tops and the roots, so essentially, you’re getting two harvests from one plant.

Planting and harvesting beetroot

Beetroots are easy to grow. I started the seeds indoors and transplanted them into buckets. However, you can sow the seeds directly in the container.

Be sure to water the plants as the soil in the plastic containers dries out quickly. For a continuous harvest, you can plant the seeds in spring or fall. Sow seeds early to late fall for a winter harvest. If you want the seeds to germinate quicker, soak them in water for 24 hours before planting.

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Health benefits of beetroot

Beets are loaded with nutrients such as vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, folate and nitrates. They can help in reducing high blood pressure and anaemia and also help in improving circulation as well as cognitive functions. Research results show that eating beets lowers blood pressure, and fights arthritis and liver disease, among others. Beets are nutritious and healthy and reduce the risk of some cancers. The greens are also excellent for the health of the eye.

Fun Facts about beets

Did you know that the dyes made from beets were used for coloring cake icing?

Did you know that the Australians serve pickled beets on hamburgers instead of pickled cucumbers?

How to prepare beets

You can bake, boil, steam, or shred beets. They can be served as snacks, or with your main meals, and the leaves can be included in smoothies and shakes or salads.

Try these Recipes

Beet salad with swiss chard, and carrot

Grated beets with carrots and cabbage

Roasted beets with parsnip, butternut squash, carrots

Beet shake


It is easy to grow beetroot in containers. If space is a challenge, consider containers. Give it a try!