Moore’s Organic Garden in Georgia was memorable. The garden sights tickled the fancy and tantalized the eyes. Every turn revealed hidden gems of the practical and the unexpected. The visitor is welcomed with a burst of colors with shades of reds, yellows, and greens, creating a magical haven that invites you to grab a drink, sit back, relax and just chill. In order words, “eat, drink, and be merry.”

Approaching from the left side of the house, the pink welcome sign stands prominent amidst the green shrubs of peeping pinks and popping yellow flowers. Look down the brick path, and flowers on the left pose at ease in colorful pots resting in painted tires.

On the right, a flower bed filled with canna lilies, gladiolas, wondering joes, and purple asters salute in silence behind lampposts keeping guard and giving light. A welcoming party gracefully standing on parade.

Turn right and what awaits is a kaleidoscope of colors from the gazebo, which demands your full attention. It is clearly the centerpiece of the backyard. The flags and their stories and the messages engraved on the miniature posters add to the garden’s ambience. There is definitely “always a time to unwind”, and Moore’s Organic Garden is just the place.

I was transported to a backyard garden in Dominica, where all the staple produce is grown. Walk past the gazebo, descend a slight slope, and enter a backyard garden on the nature island. The variety of plants, vegetables and herbs grown at Moore’s Organic Farm included: Cassava, yam, dasheen, banana, lime, grapefruit, ginger, tomatoes, cane, guava, fennel, spinach, pumpkin, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, celery, rosemary, sorrel, apple, pears, and worm bush. The labels on each plant make it easy for those unfamiliar with the name.

When I visited Moore’s Organic Garden, many vegetables were still seedlings, yet the garden was stunning and quite impressive. Imagine the grandeur when everything is in full bloom. Moore’s Organic Garden is a true gem inspired by the Nature Island, Dominica.

Enjoy the tour of Moore’s Organic Farm.

This video is part of a series featuring nature island gardeners living in the diaspora.

I interviewed Mr. Govern Moore to learn about his gardening experiences and growing up on the Nature Island, Dominica.

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